Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Photo challenge Week 36 Artistic: Food

This week's photo challenge theme is food, and since it's in the 'artistic' category I decided to start out by shooting a traditional style still life. I used my product photography light tent for the set-up, but in this instance it was mainly to create a mini studio similar to a V-flat set-up for the backdrop rather than using the sides to shoot through as doing so was far too bright and didn't create the kinds of Rembrandt-y deep shadows that I wanted.

 After I finished with the bowl, I started looking around for other ways I could display the fruit and after spotting these teacups, I found inspiration in one of my favourite Shirley Jackson stories.

It's always a great day when I can combine my passion for photography with my love of reading.

'Merricat, said Connie, would you like a cup of tea?
Oh no, said Merricat, you'll poison me.
Merricat, said Connie, would you like to go to sleep?
Down in the boneyard ten feet deep!' - 'We Have Always Lived in the Castle', Shirley Jackson.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Bridgnorth Continental Market

 Last weekend was the last weekend before the school summer holidays ended and Bridgnorth was host to it's Continental Market, a car show and the final remnants of the Bridgnorth Music Festival. We've reaped so many of the rewards from living in a small town this spring and summer, making an effort to get out more and attend lots of the local outdoor events and it's been fun, but I LOVE autumn, and I'm already lulled into a calm by the near constant sound of rain we've had for the last week. So bring on the log fires and the hot tea because I'm ready for it all.


Thursday, 1 September 2016

A princessy day

On bank holiday monday, we visited the Pirates and Princesses party at Telford Wonderland, which was pretty much the greatest thing that has ever happened to Rory.