Monday, 26 September 2011


Thoughout much of my education in photography, I was a rather morbid little so-and-so and tended to lean towards the more grim subject matter for my projects, much to the disdain of many a tutor. This one in particular was a study for a Landscape project in which I visited locations around my hometown where people had, well, died.

Yeah, I know. I still like them though...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

In the Good Old Days - Feb 2006

Photographs of Andrew and myself taken in my old home, in my old room when we both seemed to be so very much younger.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Family Portraits - The Noonans

Okay so I admit it, these weren't taken this week, they were taken last week of the lovely Noonan/Clarkin family and their epic rottweiler Tyson.